Mar 4, 2022Liked by Silence DoGood, MBA

What to do with my 401K? Should I keep it where it is? If I do cash it out early, I stand to lose great deal. How should I re-invest? Physical gold and silver or Gold IRA? Some advice would be very much appreciated as I know I need to move ASAP.

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It's up to you! use discernment and put some in precious metals, some in cash and some in large companies that will survive

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Silence DoGood, MBA

Lots of comms about March madness coming up. I’m with you, they are panicking and being taken out. They will do something drastic soon in my opinion because they’re money laundering operations, and bio labs are being annihilated. everyone could freak out and cause a run on the banks.. trump said he expects China to invade Taiwan.., russia is cut off so inflation will spike even faster, and the trucker convoy will arrive in dc Saturday. They froze accounts in Canada for such things.. Just speculating, but if they are hurting for money at the same time we’re putting all this pressure on them, I wonder if they will close banks shortly. I literally can’t wait to see how the deep state media and politicians try to spin China attacking Taiwan for more bio labs destruction. They all say “stand for Ukraine” Kamala Harris said “no big country tyrants should be able to invade smaller countries like that.” How can these people so involved with and paid off by China, supposedly, “stand with Taiwan?” Watch the silence from the media about big China attacking poor small ol’ Taiwan. I believe many people will wake up from that one. Anyone catch the misspelling at cpac 2022 of propaganda to propoganda? [o] = post 452 = Enough is Enough, (some kind of go code looking thing - _Conf_aw-cjf78-82(Z 00:00. :OWLS: Good Hunting! - very interesting to me…

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by Silence DoGood, MBA

Thank you for your advice and thank you for posting truth. I have followed you for a long while. ✝️🙏❤🇺🇲

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