YOU are at the epicenter of this warfare, and Satan wants YOUR Soul
Remember, remember, the 5th of November - Go VOTE!
November 5, 2024
Silence DoGood
Today is NOT just about the corruption in DC, but equally within our own hearts. Doctors, pharmacists, and nurses administered the Covid vaccine. Teachers, professors and clergy indoctrinate the young and impressionable. Law enforcement and the Military have looked the other way while crimes were occurring. The influential reach of the largest golden calf ever created by mankind, the United States Dollar, has a significant impact on many hearts. Needless to say, everyday people have unknowingly taken part in Human Trafficking, by simply using that debt instrument paper called a Federal Reserve note.
Although evil plans may be thought up “over there”, they are carried out “right here” in the battlefield called your mind. The fight is for the key to your soul. Elections happen each and every day, simply by you and I making unique decisions on everything we do in life. The culmination of all of these collective decisions are constantly looping/feeding into the current timeline we are on, which is the very reason for the season we are living through across the earth. We're all being pulled in this Tug of War of God vs Satan. Always choose the straight and narrow Godly path, and God will do all of the heavy tugging.
Rulers judged The Christ, but it was The Public that sentenced Him. Why is it that the mainstream media and many social media influencers WON'T speak this Truth? How many still do not have eyes to see and ears to hear? The current Season started on April 10, 2020, and this timeframe has cleared and changed many hearts, either hardening or softening towards The Lord.
The "Authentic Election" of saving souls does not come forward on some potentially fabricated poll, and today's results are but a "snapshot in time". Any continually improving collective (society) will have to assess post-election whether hearts have been hardened or softened in this season.
May God bless you 🕊️🕯️🛡️🗡️
Silence DoGood