Social credit has been propagandized and linked to the CCP, when the Scottish created the first 'authentic' Social Credit!
I want to introduce you to an old, yet new topic I was recently introduced to myself. The entire notion of "Social Credit" has become entirely propagandized, contorted, and linked to the CCP, when in fact, the descendants of Donald Trump himself could have been early pioneers of what was renownedly known as the "Scottish Credit System"!
We must do more research in these areas. I believe having a moral framework and compass would give the next generation a far better outcome if we can learn to harness the gifts society has been given, before God's wrath gets hot.
Someone might say woah, hold on - the CCP has a stranglehold on their people because of social credit, right? Well, actually... no. The propaganda machines take great ideas, and flip them on their head. This is essentially what has happened. I encourage you to watch this video and to check out the rest of the series!
As a society, we thrive the most when everyone is in alignment with their souls purpose, which is a mission sent by God. I don't know what historians will call what we're living through right now, but they might use words like "Barbaric" to describe everything from the Government, to Healthcare, to Education, big Pharma, the food GMO giants, vice industries, and many others whom we wish to discard into the heap bin of history! We should create national landmarks and historic places of interest for citizens and visitors to our Nation alike, to travel to, as we look back on our journey. We must light a path forward for the next generations to flourish. Society has not been flourishing for years. I'm looking forward to everyone flourishing in the future! 🕊️
Blessings to you and yours!
Silence DoGood