And just like that, you might have missed the buy the dip altogether! 😉 just kidding, there's a lot more downside in Fiat "Scrips" across the globe, so we can be sure that precious metals are not even close to being near the finish line! With the elites having succumbed and tricking the entire world into using FAKE Monopoly money for OVER 50 YEARS, it's no wonder that we're still here having this discussion, which means many of us are FIGHTING these TYRANTS!
Some of you do this in silence, some of you educate, some of you pray, and some of you hold Faith. May God Greatly Bless the ones who hold all of those traits!
Other great powers of the globe such as Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran and other BLOC's that are eventually coalescing into the BRICS Nations! They have figured out the matrix glitch, and their belief to "turn their luck" is simply to eradicate the Western money system from their lands!
The 70-year contract is supposedly ending between the Saudi Kingdom and the US government on June 9. I haven't confirmed the validity of that, it may or may not be factually correct, but the Deliverance of that message is but surely an OMEN of signs to come!
"HEED YAH WAH-NINGS & COUNT YAH BLESSINGS", as it might be said in New England 😊❤️
Silence DoGood