Acme Corporation (the Fed) is about to have a taste of its own medicine...$35T of National Debt (and climbing insanely quickly)
I view the National Debt both in size, but especially the speed of the increase in the debt. Speed is absolutely a critical factor. I call it "the wick of debt destruction", and like a box of Acme Corporation TNT, Wile E. Coyote has a far harder time running away when the wick goes off quickly.
The US national debt hit $1T in Q3 of 1981 (inflation crisis). It hit $10T in Q4 of 2008 (Great Financial Crisis) and $20T in Q3 2017 (Trump started cooking the goose).
I find it hard to imagine that Trump would be ill-informed on his "home court" which is Real Estate, Banking/Insurance, and Gold. Trump knew exactly what he was doing, and also understands what past administrations have done with policy. Trump had goons in his first administration trying to stop his plans if you recall. He was intentionally speeding up the "wick of debt destruction", which can only happen when sped up. Otherwise you just see the typical boom-bust cycles that the fed themselves have caused.
Think of this: otherwise, "Wile E. Coyote" has time to run away and prepare before it goes off. The enemy has had to be in 10,000 places at all times since January, 2017. The American people and global Patriots have done a phenomenal job at exposing everything that must be exposed before the financial/economic collapse, which has been saved for last in order to minimize the destruction that will be done to entirely uproot the Egyptian system we have been under.
There will be economic pain for many, but those who have had the foresight to prepare will be far better off than everyone else.
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